Speaking from experience
and speaking from the heart
As a team, Curt and Rhonda demonstrate, as well as articulate. When sharing the stage, they maintain the authenticity of their marital relationship, never letting their experience turn them into a canned and polished routine.
In addition to speaking on prepared topics, Curt and Rhonda excel at facilitating question and answer sessions for their own Q/A and for other speakers. The shared intuition developed during hundreds of coaching sessions serves them well, as they interact with the audience and each other on stage.
Curt Hamner is a veteran communicator who knows how to lead an audience. He does this not only through his approachable speaking style, but through his willingness to engage and interact with those listening.
As a host, Curt carries an event and connects those speaking and those attending. As a speaker, he encourages and challenges listeners with hard-won lessons that he has learned himself and received from his friends and mentors over the years.
Rhonda Hamner
Rhonda Hamner is a listener who is not afraid to speak. Her perceptivity and boldness make her a compelling speaker who forges an intellectual and emotional connection with her audience. She brings decades of coaching and mentoring experience to bear on each topic she covers.
Regardless of her role or the size of the event, Rhonda follows through by making herself truly available to attendees. Her on-stage presentation is well supported by her willingness to serve people by listening and being present.
We’re happy to come prepared to speak on a topic of your selection or
with a presentation prepared for one of our own marriage retreats.
Curt and Rhonda teach and share from their own experiences while leading an audience to explore the power, mystery, and cultural influence of marriage through a biblical lens.
Curt and Rhonda not only explain the individual, life-changing benefits of a mentor relationship, but demonstrate the practical steps your audience can use to transform their community through mentoring initiatives.
Curt and Rhonda have developed a unique ability to preach and teach as a couple, bringing scripture to bear on the issues and interests of an audience in a profound yet approachable way.
Curt and Rhonda have dedicated the decades of their marriage to helping others overcome relational and spiritual conflict. The stories, tools, and perspectives they bring to an audience bring radical change and hope.
winshape marriage
Upcoming Speaking Events
Scottish West Highland Way Marriage Adventure (Winshape)
May 1-8, 2023
Marriage Retreat, Hume Lake
May 19-21, 2023
Greater European Mission Annual Conference Frankfurt Germany
August 1-7, 2023
Marriage Retreat, Hume Lake
September 8-10, 2023
Pastors Retreat, Hume Lake
September 19-22, 2023
Anchor Bible School Kauai Christian Fellowship
October 8-14, 2023
Partner with us for your next event
Curt and Rhonda are available to speak on a wide variety of topics. If you’re interested in partnering with them for your next event or seminar submit an inquiry form today.